collection in nrts

NTRS provides access to approximately 500,000 aerospace related citations, 90,000 full-text online documents, and 111,000 images and videos. The types of information include: conference papers, images, journal articles, photos, meeting papers, movies, patents, research reports, and technical videos--scientific and technical information (STI) created or funded by NASA.

NTRS integrates three separate information collections and enables search and retrieval of information collectively or separately.

Collection Time Period Subject Coverage Content Types Source Information Availability
National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics (NACA) 1917-1958 Aerodynamics; propulsion; aircraft construction; materials Annual reports; aircraft circulars; reports; research memorandums; technical memorandums; technical notes; wartime reports NACA Technical Report Server (no longer available) Most are available as PDF files on NTRS; others can be ordered (See ordering from NTRS)
National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) 1958-present Aeronautics; astronautics; chemistry and materials; engineering; geosciences; life sciences; mathematical and computer sciences; physics; social and information sciences; space sciences Conference proceedings; contractor reports; education publications; journal articles; patents; reference publications; special publications; tech briefs; technical memorandums; technical notes; technical publications; technical translations; videos NASA Center for AeroSpace Information More than 32K available as PDF files on NTRS and growing daily; others available for order from CASI or other sources (See ordering from NTRS)
NASA Image eXchange (NIX) 1900-present Aeronautics; aircraft; devices; education; facilities; people; projects; solar system and beyond; space flights; wind tunnels Images; photos; movies; videos -- in JPEG, GIF and QuickTime NIX is a metasearch engine that links to and searches various NASA imagery databases All available online through NTRS

The Information found in NTRS is government information and it is unlimited, unclassified, and publicly available. Please see NASA Disclaimers, Copyright Notice, and Terms and Conditions of Use for information on how to use NASA's scientific and technical information (STI).


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