Scientific Application-Based Performance SGI ICE 8200 Supercomputers

Scientific Application-Based Performance Comparison of SGI Altix 4700, IBM Power5+, and SGI ICE 8200 Supercomputers
This paper evaluates performance of a dual-core SGI Altix 4700, a quad-core SGI Altix ICE 8200, and a dual-core IBM POWER5+ system. To measure performance, NAS computer scientists used micro-benchmarks from the High Performance Computing Challenge, NAS Parallel Benchmarks, and four real-world applications—three from computational fluid dynamics and one from climate modeling.

Scientific Application-Based Performance
Comparison of SGI Altix 4700, IBM POWER5+, and
SGI ICE 8200 Supercomputers

Subhash Saini, Dale Talcott, Dennis Jespersen, Jahed Djomehri, Haoqiang Jin, and Rupak Biswas
NASA Advanced Supercomputing Division
NASA Ames Research Center
Moffett Field, California 94035-1000, USA
{Subhash.Saini, Dale.R.Talcott, Dennis.Jespersen, Jahed.Djomehri, Haoqiang.Jin, Rupak.Biswas}

Abstract—The suitability of next-generation high-performance
computing systems for petascale simulations will depend on
various performance factors attributable to processor, memory,
local and global network, and input/output characteristics. In this
paper, we evaluate performance of new dual-core SGI Altix 4700,
quad-core SGI Altix ICE 8200, and dual-core IBM POWER5+
systems. To measure performance, we used micro-benchmarks
from High Performance Computing Challenge (HPCC), NAS
Parallel Benchmarks (NPB), and four real-world applications—
three from computational fluid dynamics (CFD) and one from
climate modeling. We used the micro-benchmarks to develop a
controlled understanding of individual system components, then
analyzed and interpreted performance of the NPBs and
applications. We also explored the hybrid programming model
(MPI+OpenMP) using multi-zone NPBs and the CFD application
OVERFLOW-2. Achievable application performance is
compared across the systems. For the ICE platform, we also
investigated the effect of memory bandwidth on performance by
testing 1, 2, 4, and 8 cores per node.
Developing petascale scientific and engineering simulations
for difficult large-scale problems is a challenging task for the
supercomputing community. The suitability of next-generation
high-performance computing technology for these simulations
will depend on a balance among several performance factors
attributable to processor, memory, local and global network,
and input/output (I/O) characteristics. As new technologies are
developed for these subsystems, achieving a balanced system
becomes difficult. In light of this, we present an evaluation of
the SGI Altix 4700 Density, SGI Altix ICE 8200, and IBM
POWER5+ computing systems. We use the High Performance
Computing Challenge (HPCC) micro-benchmarks to develop a
controlled understanding of individual subsystems, and then use
this information to analyze and interpret the performance of
NAS Parallel Benchmarks (NPB) and four real-world
In the past, Dunigan et al. studied performance of the SGI
Altix 3700 [1]. Biswas et al. studied application-based
performance characterization of the Columbia supercluster
comprised of SGI Altix 3700 and SGI Altix 3700 Bx2 systems
[2]. Saini et al. compared performance of the 3700 Bx2 with the
SGI Altix 4700 Bandwidth system [3-5]. Both the 3700 and the
3700 Bx2 are based on a single-core Intel Itanium processor,

whereas the 4700 is based on the dual-core Itanium processor.
Hoisie et al. conducted performance comparison through
benchmarking and modeling of three supercomputers: IBM
Blue Gene/L, Cray Red Storm, and IBM Purple [6]. Purple is
an Advanced Simulation and Computing (ASC) system based
on the single-core IBM POWER5 architecture and is located at
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) [7]. The
paper concentrated on system noise, interconnect congestion,
and performance modeling using two applications, namely
SAGE and Sweep3D. Oliker et al. studied scientific application
performance on candidate petascale platforms: POWER5,
AMD Opteron, IBM BlueGene/L, and Cray X1E [8]. To the
best of our knowledge, this present paper is the first to compare
performance of the dual-socket, dual-core Intel Itanium
Montvale-based Altix 4700 Density system, the dual-core
POWER5+, and the dual-socket, quad-core Intel Xeon-based
ICE 8200 system using HPCC, NPB, and four full-scale,
production quality MPI and hybrid (MPI+OpenMP)
applications [9-10].
The present study uses low-level HPCC benchmarks that
measure processor, memory, and network performance of the
systems at the subsystem level to gain insights into performance
of the NPBs and four production applications on the selected
architectures. We explore the issues involved with hybrid
applications and the effects of memory bandwidth limits of
multi-core systems. While I/O is often important for some
applications, none of the benchmarks or applications considered
here has significant I/O needs, thus the I/O characteristics of the
systems will receive only cursory examination.
The remainder of this paper is organized as follows: Section
II details the architectures of the Altix 4700, ICE 8200, and
POWER5+ computing systems; Section III describes the suite
of HPCC benchmarks, the NPBs, the hybrid multi-zone NPBs
and application OVERFLOW-2, and the four real-world
applications; Section IV presents and analyzes results from
running these benchmarks and applications; and Section V
contains a summary and conclusions of the study and future
This section briefly describes the SGI Altix 4700, IBM
POWER5+, and SGI ICE 8200 systems.
NAS Technical Report NAS-09-001, February 2009

A. SGI Altix 4700 Density
The Altix 4700 Density system (hereinafter called “Altix”)
is composed of Individual Rack Units (IRU) [11-12]. Each IRU
holds eight processor blades, with each blade containing two
dual-core Itanium2 sockets. This particular 4700 system
consists of eight racks with four IRUs in each rack. Each IRU
also contains four routers to connect to the NUMAlink4
network. Altogether, the Altix system contains 512 dual-core
Intel Itanium2 p9000 series sockets. The Altix system’s 1.6
GHz Itanium2 processors have 32 KB of L1 cache, 1 MB of L2
instruction cache, 256 KB of L2 data cache, and 9 MB of onchip
L3 cache for each core. The Front Side Bus (FSB), which
transports data between memory and the two cores, runs at 667
MHz. The processors are interconnected via the NUMAlink4
network with a fat-tree topology and a peak bidirectional
bandwidth of 6.4 GB/s. The peak performance of the Altix
system is 6.8 Tflop/s.
B. IBM POWER5+ Cluster
The POWER5+ chip is a reengineered version of the
POWER5, using 90-nanometer (nm) processor technology. The
technology shrink enabled IBM to place two processor cores on
a chip instead of one. The IBM POWER5+ system (hereafter
called “POWER5+”) used for our tests contains forty 16-way
SMP nodes [13]. These nodes are interconnected via a two-link
network adapter to the IBM High-Performance Switch (HPS)
[14]. The POWER5+ processor core includes private L1
instruction and data caches. Each dual chip module (DCM)
contains a POWER5+ chip (dual-core with on-chip L2) and an
L3 cache chip. Both L2 and L3 are shared between the two
cores. Eight DCMs comprise an IBM POWER5+ node. All
memory within a single node is coherent. Multiple nodes,
connected with an HPS, make up a cluster.
The L1 instruction cache has a 64 KB capacity and is twoway
set associative, while the L1 data cache has a 32 KB
capacity and is four-way set associative. The POWER5+ chip
has 1.92 MB of L2 cache divided equally over three modules,
which are 10-way set associative with a cache line of 128 bytes.
The 36 MB off-chip L3 cache is 12-way set associative with a
cache line of 256 bytes. The L3 caches are also partitioned in
three parts, each serving as a “spill cache” for their L2
counterpart; data that have to be flushed out of the L2 cache are
transferred to the corresponding L3 cache part. The L2 cache
modules are connected to the cores by the Core Interface Unit,
a 2(cores) x 3(L2 modules) crossbar with a peak bandwidth of
40 bytes/cycle, per port. This enables the transfer of 32 bytes to
either the L1 instruction or data cache of each core, and the
storing of 8 bytes to memory at the same time.
The POWER5+ cluster uses the proprietary HPS network to
connect nodes [12]. A switchboard is a basic component of the
network providing 16 ports connected to the HPS adapters in
nodes and 16 links to other switchboards. Internally, each
switchboard has eight switch chips connected to form a
multistage omega (Ω) network. The Ω -network uses n log2n
connections and there are log2n switching chips.
C. SGI Altix ICE 8200 Cluster
The SGI ICE 8200 system (hereafter called “ICE”) uses
quad-core Intel Xeon processors [15]. These processors are
based on Intel’s 65-nm process technology. The processor chip

holds two dies, each containing two processor cores. Key
features include 32 KB L1 instruction cache and 32 KB L1 data
cache per core and 4 MB shared L2 cache per die (8 MB total
L2 cache per chip). The 1,333 MHz FSB is a quad-pumped bus
running off a 333 MHz system clock, which results in a 10.7
GB/s data rate. The processor has streaming single instruction
multiple data (SIMD) Extensions 2 (SSE2) and Streaming
SIMD Extensions 3 (SSE3). The ICE system uses a high-speed
4xDDR (Double Data Rate) InfiniBand (IB) interconnect [16].
Each IRU includes two switch blades, eliminating external
switches altogether. The fabric connects the service nodes,
leader nodes, and the compute nodes. There are two IB fabrics
on the ICE: one for MPI (ib0), and the other for I/O (ib1). The
ICE system’s IB network uses Open Fabrics Enterprise
Distribution software. Tests were run with both the vendor MPI
library (MPT) and the open source MPI for IB on Mellanox IBVerbs
API layer (MVAPICH) library.
System characteristics of the three supercomputer
architectures are summarized in Table I.
Model SGI Altix
4700 SGI ICE 8200 IBM POWER5+
Total number of cores 1,024 4,096 640
No. of cores per socket 2 4 2
Processor used
Dual-core Intel
Quad-core Intel
Dual-core IBM
Core clock frequency
(GHz) 1.67 2.66 1.9
Floating point/clock/core 4 4 4
Peak perf./core (Gflops) 6.67 10.64 7.6
Technology (nm) 130 65 90
L1 cache size (KB) 32 32 (I) & 32 (D) 64 (I) & 32 (D)
L2 cache size (KB) 256 (I + D) 8 MB shared by
2 cores
1.92 MB (I+D)
L3 cache size (MB) 9 (on-chip) NA 36 (off-chip)
Local memory per node
(GB) 8 8 32
Cores per node 4 8 16
Local memory/core (GB) 2 1 2
Total memory (GB) 2,048 4,096 1,280
Frequency of FSB
(MHz) 667 1,333 533
Transfer rate of FSB
(GB/s) 6.4 10.7 8.5
Interconnect NUMAlink4 InfiniBand HPS (Federation)
Network topology Fat tree Hypercube Multi-Stage
Operating system Linux SLES
10 Linux SLES 10 AIX 5.3
Fortran compiler Intel 10.0.026 Intel 10.1.008 xlf 10.1
C Compiler Intel 10.0.026 Intel 10.1.008 xlc 8.0
MPI mpt- mpt-1.18.b30 &
mvapich-0.9.9 POE 4.3
Page sizes 16 KB 4 KB 4 KB, 64 KB,
16 MB
File system CXFS Lustre GPFS
NAS Technical Report NAS-09-001, February 2009

Our evaluation approach recognizes that application
performance is the ultimate measure of system capability;
however, understanding an application’s interaction with a
computing system requires a detailed understanding of
individual component performance of the system. Keeping this
in mind, we use low-level HPCC benchmarks that measure
processor, memory, and network performance of the
architectures at the subsystem level. We then use the insights
gained from the HPCC benchmarks to guide and interpret
performance analysis of the NPBs and four full-scale
applications. In addition, we also explore the hybridprogramming
model (MPI+OpenMP), especially for the quadcore
ICE nodes and for the symmetric multi-processing (SMP)
POWER5+ nodes.
A. HPC Challenge Benchmarks
The HPC Challenge Benchmarks [10] are multifaceted and
intended to test various attributes that can contribute
significantly to understanding the performance of high-end
computing systems. These benchmarks stress not only the
processors, but also the memory subsystem and system
interconnects. They provide a good understanding of an
application’s performance on the computing platforms, and are
good indicators of how supercomputing systems will perform
across a wide spectrum of real-world applications. Four HPCC
benchmarks, namely HPL, PTRANS, STREAM, and FFT
capture important performance characteristics that affect most
real-world applications.
B. NAS Parallel Benchmarks
In this section, we present a brief description of the MPI and
multi-zone hybrid (MPI+OpenMP) versions of the NAS
parallel benchmarks.
1) NPB MPI Version
The NPB suite is comprised of well-known codes for testing
the capabilities of parallel computers and parallelization tools
[7]. The benchmarks were derived from CFD codes and are
widely recognized as a standard indicator of parallel computer
performance. The original NPB suite contains eight
benchmarks comprising five kernels (CG, FT, EP, MG, and IS)
and three compact applications (BT, LU, and SP). The MPI
version of the NPB suite is a source implementation of the
“pencil-and-paper” specifications using the MPI message
passing interface. We used the NPB3.3 distribution in our
2) Multi-Zone Hybrid MPI+OpenMP NPB
Recently, the NPBs were expanded to include the new
multi-zone version, called NPB-MZ [17]. The original NPBs
exploit fine-grain parallelism in a single zone, while the multizone
benchmarks exploit multiple levels of parallelism for
efficiency, and to balance the computational load. NPB-MZ
contains three application benchmarks: BT-MZ, SP-MZ, and
LU-MZ, which mimic the overset grid (or zone) system found
in the OVERFLOW code. BT-MZ (uneven-sized zones) and
SP-MZ (even-sized zones) test both coarse-grain and fine-grain
parallelism and load balance. LU-MZ is similar to SP-MZ but

has a fixed number of zones (4x4=16). For our experiments, we
used the hybrid MPI+OpenMP implementation of the NPB-MZ
from the NPB3.3 distribution.
C. Science and Engineering Applications
In this section, we describe the four production applications
used in our study: one structured CFD application
(OVERFLOW-2), one Cartesian grid application (CART3D),
one unstructured tetrahedral CFD application (USM3D), and
one application from climate modeling (ECCO). All four
applications are production codes.
OVERFLOW-2 is a general purpose Navier-Stokes solver
for CFD problems [18]. The MPI version, a Fortran90
application, has 130,000 lines of code. The code uses an overset
grid methodology to perform high-fidelity viscous simulations
around realistic aerospace configurations. The main
computational logic of the sequential code consists of a time
loop and a nested grid loop. The code uses finite differences in
space with implicit time stepping. It uses overset-structured
grids to accommodate arbitrarily complex moving geometries.
The dataset used is a wing-body-nacelle-pylon geometry
(DLRF6), with 23 zones and 36 million grid points. The input
dataset is 1.6 GB in size, and the solution file is 2 GB.
The hybrid decomposition for OVERFLOW involves
OpenMP parallelism underneath the MPI parallelism. All MPI
ranks have the same value of OMP_NUM_THREADS and this
value can be one or higher. The OpenMP shared-memory
parallelism is at a fairly fine-grained level.
CART3D is a high-fidelity, inviscid CFD application that
solves the Euler equations of fluid dynamics [19]. CART3D
includes a solver called Flowcart, which uses a second-order,
cell-centered, finite-volume upwind spatial discretization
scheme, in conjunction with a multi-grid accelerated Runge-
Kutta method for steady-state cases. In this study, we used the
geometry of the Space Shuttle Launch Vehicle (SSLV) for the
simulations. The SSLV uses 24 million cells for computation.
The input dataset is 1.8 GB and the application requires 16 GB
of memory to run. We used the MPI version of this code.
3) USM3D
USM3D is a 3D unstructured tetrahedral, cell-centered,
finite-volume Euler and Navier-Stokes flow solver [20]. Spatial
discretization is accomplished using an analytical
reconstruction process for computing solution gradients within
tetrahedral cells. The solution is advanced in time to a steadystate
condition by an implicit Euler time-stepping scheme. A
single-block, tetrahedral, unstructured grid is partitioned into a
user-specified number of contiguous partitions, each containing
nearly the same number of grid cells. Grid partitioning is
accomplished by the graph partitioning software Metis.
Communication among partitions is accomplished by suitably
embedded MPI calls into the solver. The test case used a mesh
with 10 million tetrahedra, requiring about 16 GB of memory
and 10 GB of disk space.
NAS Technical Report NAS-09-001, February 2009

Estimating the Circulation and Climate of the Ocean
(ECCO) is a global ocean simulation model for solving the
fluid equations of motion using the hydrostatic approximation
[19]. ECCO heavily stresses processor performance, I/O, and
scalability of an interconnect. ECCO performs a large number
of short message global operations using the MPI_Allreduce
function. The ECCO test case uses 50 million grid points and
requires 32 GB of system memory and 20 GB of disk to run. It
writes 8 GB of data using Fortran I/O. The test case is 1/4o
global ocean simulation with a simulated elapsed time of two
In this sub-section, we present performance results of
selected HPCC benchmarks, NPBs, and application codes. We
use the HPCC results to analyze and understand the results for
the NPBs and applications.
A. HPC Challenge Benchmarks
In Figure 1, we plot performance of the compute-intensive,
embarrassingly parallel DGEMM (matrix-matrix multiplication)
for the three systems [8, 20, 21]. Here, performance on
ICE is the best, followed by the POWER5+ and Altix systems,
and is proportional to the theoretical one-core peak
performance of 10.64, 7.6, and 6.67 Gflop/s respectively.
Achieved performance is 83%, 94%, and 93% of the peak on
the ICE, POWER5+, and Altix, respectively. For the
POWER5+ and Altix, performance is almost constant.
However, for the ICE system, performance is highest for four
cores and remains almost constant from 8 to 512 cores. For four
cores, only half of the node (one core from each die) is used,
effectively doubling memory bandwidth available for each
Figure 1. Performance of EP-DGEMM on Altix, POWER5+, and ICE.
In Figure 2, we plot performance of the compute-intensive
global high-performance LINPACK (G-HPL) benchmark for
each of the three systems [20]. Performance of G-HPL on the
POWER5+ is highest. The ICE is either second or last,
depending on the MPI library. Within a node on ICE (i.e., up to
8 cores), performance of both MPT and MVAPICH is almost
equal. However, beyond 8 cores, performance using
MVAPICH is much better and this gap between MPT and
MVAPICH keeps increasing as the number of cores increases.
This is due to better remote data access using MVAPICH (see
Figure 6).
Figure 2. Performance of G-HPL on Altix, POWER5+, and ICE systems.
In Figure 3, we plot memory bandwidth using the EPSTREAM
benchmark for each system [23]. The average
measured memory bandwidth is 1.52 GB/s for the Altix, 4.2
GB/s for the POWER5+, and 0.677 GB/s for the ICE.
Measured bandwidths are close to the theoretical value for the
POWER5+, and much less for the other systems. The FSB
frequencies are 667 MHz, 533 MHz, and 1,333 MHz for the
Altix, POWER5+, and ICE systems respectively. The Altix and
POWER5+ systems can load two 64-bit words (16 bytes) per
FSB clock; the ICE can load 8 bytes for each FSB per FSB
clock. Therefore, total peak theoretical bandwidth per local
memory is 10.7 GB/s (667 MHz x 16 bytes), 8.5 GB/s (533
MHz x 16 bytes), and 21.3 GB/s (1,333 MHz x 8 bytes x 2) for
the Altix, POWER5+, and ICE systems respectively. For the
Altix and POWER5+, this bandwidth is available to a single
core if other cores are idle. However, for the ICE, each core is
limited to the bandwidth of one FSB (10.7 GB/s), which is half
that of the whole memory sub-system. Averaged over the
number of cores per FSB, the theoretical peak read bandwidths
are 2.67 GB/s, 4.26 GB/s, and 2.67 GB/s for the Altix,
POWER5+, and ICE respectively. Write bandwidths are half
these values.
Compare the ICE bandwidths at 4 and 8 cores. With half the
cores idle, the other cores see twice the bandwidth. In fact, for
this case, performance of SingleSTREAM_Triad and Star-
STREAM_Triad are almost the same. In the SingleSTREAM
benchmark, only a single core is performing computations. In
the StarSTREAM benchmark, each core in the program is
performing computations. Because there is little memory
contention in the four-core case, StarSTREAM is nearly as fast
as SingleSTREAM. For the POWER5+, memory bandwidth for
four and eight cores is almost double that of the bandwidth for
16 to 512 cores. The reason for this is similar to the ICE
system’s situation—idle cores leave memory bandwidth
available to the active cores. Performance goes down when
using 16 cores and above, since both cores per processor chip
are used. Because the L2 cache, L3 cache, and memory bus are
shared, performance is halved.
NAS Technical Report NAS-09-001, February 2009
Figure 3. Performance of EP-STREAM on Altix, POWER5+, and ICE.
A figure of merit we can derive from the previous
benchmarks is GB/Gflops. This indicates how many bytes of
memory bandwidth are available for each floating point
operation, as measured by EP-STREAM and EP-DGEMM. For
the Altix, POWER5+, and ICE, GB/Gflops is 0.23, 0.55, and
0.063 respectively.
In Figure 4, we plot the random-ordered ring latency for 4
to 512 processors for the three systems. On the POWER5+,
latency is 2.5 μs from 4 to 16 cores, and then gradually
increases and becomes constant with a value of 14 μs beyond
128 cores. The initial low latency reflects message passing that
stays within a node. Above 16 processes, overhead is due to
going through extra stages of the HPC switch.
On the ICE system, latency is about 0.86 and 0.98 μs for 4
and 8 cores respectively, and then drastically increases for 16
and 32 cores, after which the increase is more gradual. The
reasons are similar to those on the POWER5+: within-node
communication is quick, while off-node is slower. Within a
node (8 cores), latency using MPT is lower than that of
MVAPICH. However, as the number of cores increases beyond
8, the latency of MPT increases slightly more than that of
Figure 4. Performance of random-ordered ring latency for Altix, POWER5+,
and ICE systems.
In Figure 5, we show the random-ordered ring bandwidth
for the three systems. Again, the POWER5+ and ICE systems
show rapid drop-offs in performance once communication is
off-node. Performance stabilizes at the two-node number, with
small decreases as process counts increase. The NUMAlink4
interconnect in the Altix shows excellent scaling across the
range of processes tested, and is the clear winner from 32
processes up to the highest count tested. On ICE, within a node,
the bandwidth for MPT is higher than that of MVAPICH.
However, beyond 8 cores, the bandwidth of MVAPICH is
marginally higher than that of MPT.
Figure 5. Performance of random-ordered ring on Altix, POWER5+, and ICE
In Figure 6, we plot performance of the Random Access
benchmark as Giga UPdates per second (GUPS) for 4 to 512
processors for all three systems [22]. GUPS measures the rate at
which a system can update individual elements of a table spread
across global system memory. GUPS profiles the memory
architecture of a system and is a measure of performance
similar to Gflop/s. In Figure 6, we see the benchmark scales
very well for the Altix and POWER5+. On the ICE system, the
MPT version of the benchmark performs well only within a
node (4 and 8 cores). Beyond a node, performance degrades
drastically and then becomes constant from 32 to 512 cores.
However, using MVAPICH, performance improves slowly up
to 64 cores and then increases almost linearly from 64 to 512
cores. MVAPICH is tuned for IB and performs well here.
Figure 6. Performance of RandomAccess benchmark on Altix, POWER5+,
and ICE systems.
Figure 7 shows performance of the parallel matrix transpose
(PTRANS) benchmark [20, 21]. PTRANS exchanges messages
simultaneously between pairs of processors. This benchmark is
a useful test for measuring total communication capacity of the
system interconnects. It should be noted that performance of
PTRANS strongly depends on configuration of the process
grid. Performance is best when the number of communicating
pairs is minimized. For example, a matrix of 3x3 processes has
3 communicating pairs, namely 2-4, 3-7, and 6-8. However, a
1x9 process grid has 36 communicating pairs (1-2, 1-3, 1-4, 1-
5, 1-6, 1-7, 1-8, 1-9, 2-3, …, 8-9). For each system, we tried all
possible configurations of the process grid. The results
presented are for the configuration that yields the best
performance. Up to 32 cores, performance is highest on the
POWER5+ and lowest on the ICE system. However, from 64
cores onwards, the Altix has the highest performance followed
by POWER5+. Among the three systems, performance on the
ICE system is lowest. On ICE within a node, performance of
MPT and MVAPICH is almost the same. However, beyond 8
cores, performance of MVAPICH is higher than that of MPT
due to lower message latency. This benchmark uses “all-to-all”
communication and therefore stresses the global network.
Overall, scalability of the Altix system’s network is best in the
NAS Technical Report NAS-09-001, February 2009
entire range of processors from 4 to 512. The POWER5+
performs well when communication does not involve the
interconnect (up to 16 processes). Performance plateaus
initially when the HPS is involved, then improves again, but not
as well as NUMAlink4. Scalability of the POWER5+’s network
is limited by additional stages of the Omega network.
Figure 7. Performance of PTRANS benchmark on Altix, POWER5+, and
ICE systems.
In Figure 8, we plot performance of the G-FFTE benchmark
on the Altix, POWER5+, and ICE systems for 4 to 512 cores.
The G-FFTE benchmark measures floating-point execution rate
of a double precision complex 1D Discrete Fourier Transform
[24]. In G-FFTE, since cyclic distribution is used, all-to-all
communication takes place only once. The benchmark stresses
inter-processor communication of large messages. Both GFFTE
and PTRANS are strongly influenced by the memory
bandwidth (EP STREAM copy) and the inter-process
bandwidth (random-ordered ring). Like PTRANS, G-FFTE also
performs a parallel 2D transpose of a matrix involving all-to-all
communication stressing the global network. For this reason,
qualitatively, performance of PTRANS and G-FFTE
benchmarks is quite similar. On ICE within a node,
performance of G-FFTE using MPT is better than when using
MVAPICH because the former has lower latency and higher
bandwidth. However, beyond 8 cores performance of FFT
using MVAPICH is better than MPT because the MVAPICH
library is tuned for IB and provides lower latency and higher
bandwidth than MPT.
Figure 8. Performance of G-FFT benchmark on Altix, POWER5+, and ICE.
Up to 128 cores, the POWER5+ system has the best
performance and scalability. Up to 32 cores, performance and
scalability are almost identical on the Altix and ICE systems.
However, beyond 32 cores, both performance and scalability on
the Altix is greater than that of the ICE system due the higher
latency and lower bandwidth of IB compared to NUMAlink.
B. NAS Parallel Benchmarks
In this sub-section, we present results for six (MG, CG, FT,
BT, LU, and SP) of the MPI NPBs [7].
Figure 9 displays performance of the NPB Class C MG
benchmark for the Altix, POWER5+, and ICE systems for 16 to
512 processors. Up to 256 processors, performance ranking is:
POWER5+, Altix, then ICE. The MG benchmark is a memorybound
benchmark and has highly structured short- and longdistance
communications. Its performance correlates with the
STREAM memory bandwidth of these systems, namely 4.2
GB/s, 1.5 GB/s, and 0.677 GB/s respectively up to 256 cores.
On the Altix system, performance of the MG benchmark
increases at 512 cores because there is now enough combined
L3 cache to hold all the data. Additionally, the NUMAlink4
interconnect out-performs POWER5+’s HPS.
Figure 10 displays performance of the NPB Class C CG
benchmark for the Altix, POWER5+, and ICE systems, for 16
to 512 processors. Here, performance is almost the same from
16 to 64 processors for the Altix and POWER5+ systems, and
much higher than the ICE system. For 128 and 256 processors,
the Altix system’s performance is better than that of the
POWER5+, and performance of both is better than that of ICE.
The reason for this is the CG benchmark is memory-bound due
to indirect addressing used in its sparse matrix solver, and is
network latency-bound due to a large number of small
messages. Therefore, CG performs well on the Altix and
POWER5+ systems, and performs poorly on the ICE system.
Figure 9. NPB Class C MG benchmark on Altix, POWER5+, and ICE.
Figure 10. NPB Class C CG benchmark on Altix, POWER5+, and ICE.
Figure 11 captures performance of the NPB Class C FT
benchmark for the Altix, POWER5+, and ICE systems for 16 to
512 processors. The POWER5+ outperforms the Altix, which,
in turn, outperforms the ICE system for the entire range of
processors. The performance gap between the POWER5+ and
Altix systems and the ICE system gradually widens. The reason
for this is the FT benchmark is both compute-bound as well as
memory-bound and depends largely on the bisection bandwidth
NAS Technical Report NAS-09-001, February 2009

due to all-to-all communication to transpose the matrix, and
therefore, correlates with memory bandwidth and bisection
bandwidth. On the ICE, MVAPICH significantly outperforms
Figure 12 shows the performance of the NPB Class C BT
benchmark for the Altix, POWER5+, and ICE systems for a
range of processors from 16 to 484. We do not have results for
512 cores since this benchmark requires square grids. In the
entire range of cores performance on the POWER5+ is higher
than on the Altix, which in turn, is higher than the ICE system.
BT is mainly compute-bound and as such, performance
correlates with the floating-point performance and with the
memory bandwidth.
Figure 13 captures performance of the NPB Class C LU
benchmark for the Altix, POWER5+, and ICE systems for 16 to
512 processors. Once again, the Altix and POWER5+ do much
better than the ICE, with the Altix leading at high processor
counts. LU’s 2-D pipelined communication pattern generates
many small messages. As predicted by the GUPS microbenchmark,
MPT on the ICE does poorly here.
Figure 11. NPB Class C FT benchmark on Altix, POWER5+, and ICE.
Figure 12. NPB Class C BT benchmark on Altix, POWER5+, and ICE.
Figure 13. NPB Class C LU benchmark on Altix, POWER5+, and ICE.
Figure 14 displays performance of the NPB Class C SP
benchmark for the Altix, POWER5+, and ICE systems for 16 to
480 processors. This benchmark has both nearest-neighbor and
long-range communication. Once again, superior memory
bandwidth of the POWER5+ system places it first, and the
memory-starved ICE system last.
Figure 14. NPB Class C SP benchmark on Altix, POWER5+, and ICE.
C. Scientific and Engineering Applications
In the following, we present results for four real-world
applications on the Altix, POWER5+, and ICE systems. Results
for ICE use the MPT library. MVAPICH results are similar,
except for CART3D, where there was not enough memory to
run with MVAPICH for the test dataset.
In this sub-section, we present and analyze results of the
simulation using the CFD application OVERFLOW-2 on the
three systems [16].
Figure 15 shows wall-clock time for 8 to 512 processors for
OVERFLOW-2. Performance of OVERFLOW-2 on the Altix
and POWER5+ systems is better than on the ICE system across
the whole range of processors. OVERFLOW-2 is memorybound
and performance is better on the Altix and POWER5+
systems as compared to ICE because memory bandwidth of the
Altix and POWER5+ is better than the ICE system (1.5 GB/s
and 4.2 GB/s versus 0.67 GB/s). Further, memory bandwidth of
the ICE system (0.67 GB/s) is almost half that of the Altix (1.5
GB/s). Although the POWER5+ system’s memory bandwidth
is about three times that of the Altix, the Altix outperforms the
POWER5+. This turns out to be because the Intel compiler
does a better job of optimizing certain heavily used routines
than the POWER5+ compiler does.
Figure 15. Wall-clock time (compute time + communication time) for
OVERFLOW-2 for Altix, POWER5+, and ICE systems.
Figure 16 shows the same cases, but looking only at
compute time per step. Qualitatively, Figures 15 and 16 are the
NAS Technical Report NAS-09-001, February 2009
same except the times in Figure 15 are higher than those in
Figure 16 (the times in Figure 15 include both compute and
communication time). The ICE system, in spite of having the
highest floating-point operations per clock (10.64 Gflop/s vs.
6.4 Gflop/s and 7.6 Gflop/s), performs the worst. The ratio of
GB/Gflop is the lowest for ICE—memory bandwidth is
inadequate to feed the floating-point units.
Figure 16. Compute time of OVERFLOW-2 for Altix, POWER5+, and ICE
Figure 17 shows the communication time per step.
Communication time is lower on the Altix and POWER5+
systems than on ICE. The slightly lower time for the
POWER5+ at 8 processes can be explained by the extra
memory bandwidth available from using only half the cores in a
node. For 128 processors and up, communication time on the
Altix and POWER5+ systems becomes almost the same—for
large numbers of processors, there is less data to be sent and
these data are being communicated in parallel. The ICE
performs less well, as predicted by the HPCC latency and
bandwidth results (Figures 4 and 5).
Figure 17. Communication time for OVERFLOW-2 for Altix, POWER5+,
and ICE systems.
In this sub-section, we present and analyze results of the
simulation using the CFD application CART3D on each of the
systems [17].
Figure 18 shows wallclock (execution) time per step for 16
to 512 processors for the MPI version of CART3D.
Performance of CART3D is best on the POWER5+ system and
worst on the ICE system. The Altix falls in between the two but
closer to the POWER5+. Because CART3D is both memoryintensive
and compute-intensive, it benefits from a faster
processor clock and better memory bandwidth. Thus, this
application performs best on the POWER5+ with its high
(highest of the three systems) GB/Gflop ratio. We could not run
CART3D on ICE at 256 and 512 cores due to lack of memory
on the node which contains the MPI rank 0 process.
Figure 18. Wallclock time per step of CART3D for Altix, POWER5+, and
ICE systems.
3) USM3D
In this subsection, we present results of the USM3D
application on the three systems [18].
To test the effect of the memory subsystem, we plot the
cycle wallclock time per step for a range of processors in Figure
19. Performance of USM3D is better on the POWER5+ system
than on the Alix and ICE systems. This is because USM3D is
an unstructured mesh-based application and memory-bound
from indirect addressing which does not make good use of the
L2 or L3 caches—it depends exclusively on the memory
bandwidth, which is highest for the POWER5+ (4.2 GB/s) and
lowest for the ICE system (0.67 GB/s). Beyond 256 processors,
USM3D scaling is poor for this dataset, and performance
becomes limited by communications.
Figure 19. Wallclock time per step for USM3D for Altix, POWER5+, and
In this sub-section, we present and analyze results of the
simulation using the climate modeling application ECCO on
each of the systems [19].
In Figure 20, we show wall-clock and I/O time for ECCO.
This code is memory-bound for small processor counts while
its performance for large processor counts depends on network
latency. Since the POWER5+ system has the highest memory
bandwidth (4.2 GB/s), ECCO performs much better on this
system than on the Altix or ICE. ECCO performs worst on the
ICE system, as it has the lowest memory bandwidth (0.67
NAS Technical Report NAS-09-001, February 2009

GB/s). Performance of the Altix with a memory bandwidth of
1.5 GB/s falls in between the POWER5+ and ICE systems.
Figure 20 also includes wall-clock time for writing 8 GB of
data for all three systems. Writing time is about 85 seconds for
the Altix and ICE systems, and about 28 seconds for the
POWER5+ system.
Figure 20. Wall-clock and I/O time for ECCO for Altix, POWER5+, and ICE.
Figure 21 shows the I/O write checkpoint bandwidth for
ECCO. The average write bandwidth is about 84 MB/s on the
Altix and 88 MB/s on the ICE system, and is about 5% of the
peak theoretical value of 2 GB/s. On the POWER5+, it is about
300 MB/s and theoretical peak is 4 GB/s. The I/O in ECCO is
performed by a package that provides a capability for writing
single-record direct-access Fortran binary files. The reason for a
low effective write I/O rate is that the application opens and
closes dozens of files and I/O time includes the time for
opening and closing the data and metadata files.
Figure 21. Write bandwidth for ECCO for Altix, POWER5+, and ICE.
D. Hybrid Benchmark and Application
In this sub-section we present the results for two hybrid
(MPI+OpenMP) multi-zone compact applications, namely BTMZ
and SP-MZ, and for a hybrid application, OVERFLOW-2.
1) Hybrid Multi-zone Compact Applications
To examine performance response of the hybrid
MPI+OpenMP programming model, we tested multi-zone
versions of the NPBs on the three parallel systems. For a given
number of cores, we ran the benchmarks in different processthread
combinations. We use the notation “Nm X No” to indicate
the number of MPI processes (equal to the number of zone
groups) used for the first-level parallelization and the number of
OpenMP threads for the second-level parallelization within
each zone group. The number of MPI processes is limited by
the number of zones for a given problem size, while the number
of OpenMP threads is limited by the number of cores available
on an SMP node. The total Gflop/sec results reported by the
benchmarks for the Class C problem from the best Nm X No
combination for a given core count are included in Table II for
the BT-MZ benchmark, and in Table III for the SP-MZ
benchmark. Since a limited number of zones (=16) are defined
for the LU-MZ benchmark and, thus, only a limited number of
MPI processes can be used, we did not include results for this
benchmark here. On the ICE system, we also ran the
benchmarks in a scaled configuration, that is, only four of the
eight cores in each node were used.
The best performance with multi-zone benchmarks is
usually achieved by maximizing the number of zone groups, as
long as the workload can be balanced. For Class C, the number
of zones is 256 for both BT-MZ and SP-MZ. Due to the uneven
zone sizes in BT-MZ, the optimal number of zone groups is 64,
thus 64 MPI processes. Beyond that, multi-level parallelism
from OpenMP threads is needed for additional performance
gain. On the other hand, the equal-sized zones in SP-MZ allow
efficient use of the zonal parallelism up to 256 MPI processes.
In general, this is what we have observed in Tables 2 and 3.
However, on the ICE system, the eight-way results show a
preference of two OpenMP threads over one. For example, for
the 32-core case, the 16 X 2 combination produces better results
than 32 X 1. This is correlated with the very low latency within
a node observed on the ICE system, as compared to other
systems, showing the benefit of using OpenMP threads.
Overall, the Itanium2-based Altix system shows better
performance for both BT-MZ and SP-MZ when the number of
OpenMP threads does not exceed two. On 256 and 512 cores,
BT-MZ requires 4 and 8 OpenMP threads respectively, and we
observe good scaling on the POWER5+ and ICE systems, both
having flat-memory SMP nodes. There is quick performance
degradation on the Altix, which has a NUMA architecture. It
points to the importance of low-latency, flat-memory SMP
nodes for fine-grained parallelization like OpenMP. Lastly, we
observe substantial performance improvement from the scaled
configuration (4 cores per node) on the ICE system in
comparison to the full configuration (8 cores per node): 10-20%
for BT-MZ and 30-50% for SP-MZ. This can be explained by
the limited memory bandwidth available for cores on the ICE
system. The program actually runs faster on a given amount of
hardware by leaving half the cores idle. The other two systems
show much less impact.
2) Hybrid (MPI+OpenMP) OVERFLOW-2
We tested the hybrid MPI+OpenMP version of
OVERFLOW-2 on the three systems. In Figure 22, we plot
wall-clock time per step for hybrid OVERFLOW-2 on Altix,
POWER5+, and ICE. ICE numbers are for either MPT or
MVAPICH, whichever was better.
Each line of these figures in Figure 22 shows performance
of the hybrid code for a fixed number of cores as the number
(No) of OpenMP threads is varied. On the Altix, the best
performance occurs for either one or two OpenMP threads.
Beyond four OpenMP threads, performance degrades quickly
for a given core count. On the POWER5+ it is beneficial to use
OpenMP. The best results are obtained when the number of
OpenMP threads is either two or four, and performance is
NAS Technical Report NAS-09-001, February 2009

relatively constant throughout the available range of threads for
a given core count. On ICE, performance generally degrades
slightly as the number of OpenMP threads increases beyond
one. Overall, the best results were obtained on the Altix system
when the number of OpenMP threads (No) was either one or
two; the worst results were obtained on the ICE system. The
hybrid version shows the benefit of using OpenMP threads
within an SMP node on the POWER5+, and outperforms a pure
MPI version (i.e., when No is equal to one).
Machine SGI Altix 4700 IBM POWER5+ 8 cores per nodSeG I Altix ICE 82040 c ores per node
# Cores Nm x No Gflop/s Nm x No Gflop/s Nm x No Gflop/s Nm x No Gflop/s
8 8 x 1 17 8 x 1 16 8 x 1 13 8 x 1 15
16 16 x 1 34 16 x 1 30 8 x 2 27 16 x 1 30
32 32 x 1 67 32 x 1 59 16 x 2 52 16 x 2 56
64 64 x 1 132 32 x 2 115 32 x 2 94 32 x 2 107
128 64 x 2 237 64 x 2 220 64 x 2 176 64 x 2 206
256 64 x 4 405 64 x 4 407 64 x 4 339 64 x 4 371
512 64 x 8 419 64 x 8 667 64 x 8 556 128 x 4 620
Machine SGI Altix 4700 IBM POWER5+ 8 cores per noSdGe I Altix ICE 8240 0co res per node
# Cores Nm x No Gflop/s Nm x No Gflop/s Nm x No Gflop/s Nm x No Gflop/s
8 8 x 1 12 8 x 1 10 4 x 2 8 8 x 1 10
16 16 x 1 25 16 x 1 20 8 x 2 16 16 x 1 20
32 32 x 1 50 32 x 1 41 16 x 2 26 32 x 1 40
64 32 x 2 107 32 x 2 84 32 x 2 58 64 x 1 79
128 128 x 1 241 128 x 1 161 64 x 2 113 128 x 1 169
256 256 x 1 490 256 x 1 321 128 x 2 224 256 x 1 390
512 256 x 2 723 256 x 2 622 256 x 2 560 256 x 2 608
Figure 22. Wall-clock time per step as a function of number of OpenMP threads for Altix, POWER5+, and ICE systems.
The performance of hybrid OVERFLOW is strongly
affected by two competing factors. The first factor is the
number of MPI processes. As this number increases, the total
number of grid points increases (due to grid splitting for load
balancing producing extra points at splitting boundaries),
leading to increased computational work for the flow solver.
(see Table IV.) In addition, as the number of MPI processes
increases, the total communication volume increases. The
second factor is OpenMP overhead. This has both fixed and
per-thread components. As the number of threads increases, the
per-thread overhead grows relative to actual work performed.
So, if for a given number of cores the performance of
hybrid OVERFLOW is best with some value of OpenMP
threads that is greater than 1, this is a sign that the overhead
due to OpenMP is more than compensated for by the reduction
in computation time due to a smaller number of grid points,
Number of groups
Total no. of grid points
(in millions)
16 37
32 38
64 41
128 43
256 47
and by a reduction in communication time due to a smaller
total communication requirement. Conversely, if for a given
number of cores the best performance is without OpenMP, this
is a sign that the overhead and possible inefficiency due to
NAS Technical Report NAS-09-001, February 2009

OpenMP outweigh the extra computation and communication
costs of not using more processes.
E. Multi-Core Effects on the SGI ICE 8200
In this section, we present the results of three applications
(CART3D, ECCO, and USM3D) on a subset of the cores in the
ICE system to measure impact of limited memory bandwidth.
We ran all three applications on 1, 2, 4, and 8 cores per
node on the ICE system. To review, each node contains two
Xeon Intel Quad-Core 64-bit processors (8 cores in all) on a
single board, as an SMP unit. The core frequency is 2.66 GHz
and supports 4 floating-point operations per clock period with a
peak performance of 10.6 Gflop/s/core or 42.6 GFlop/s per
node. Each node contains 8 GB of memory. The memory
subsystem has a 1,333 MHz FSB, and dual channels with 533
MHz Fully Buffered DIMMS. Both processors share access to
the memory controllers in the memory controller hub (MCH or
North Bridge).
In Figure 23, we plot the wall-clock time per step for
CART3D using 1, 2, 4, and 8 cores per node. (The per-node
memory of 8 GB was not enough for 8 processes per node for
the 256 and 512 core cases.) Up to 128 cores, performance is
highest for one core and then successively worse for 2, 4 and 8
cores. The reason for this is that when all eight cores of a node
are used, two processes share each L2 cache and four processes
share each FSB. When only four cores of a node are used, then
the L2 caches are private, but each FSB is still shared by two
cores. When just two cores of a node are used, then each core
has its own set of memory resources, but the two cores share
the interconnect with the rest of the system. However, when
only one core is used, then it has a full 4 MB of L2 cache, a full
FSB bus, and the full InfiniBand host channel adapter (HCA)
by itself. In summary, there is significant performance
degradation due to sharing of memory resources. The
performance difference is highest at 32 cores, and doubling the
number of cores reduces the performance by half, which is due
to reduction in the memory bandwidth by half. The
performance difference decreases as the total number of cores
increases because, for a large number of cores, communication
becomes more important.
Wall-clock time per step for ECCO is plotted in Figure 24.
Qualitatively, the performance is almost the same as that of
CART3D and for the same reasons.
Figure 23. Performance of CART3D on various cores of the ICE system.
Figure 24. Wall-clock time per step of ECCO on various cores of the ICE.
In Figure 25 we plot the cycle wallclock time per step for
USM3D. Qualitatively the performance is almost the same as
that of CART3D and for the same reasons.
Figure 25. Wall-clock time per step of USM3D on various cores of the ICE.
Our experiments show that for a large number of
processors—beyond 128—the performance of MVAPICH is
about 10% better than SGI MPT on the ICE system and in
some cases, 300% better than the MPT library.
On the ICE system, multi-core performance is very
application-dependent. In most cases, leaving cores idle
improves performance. For some cases, particularly at higher
process counts, using fewer cores per node is not beneficial due
to the increase in communication overhead relative to the
computation. If the “cost” of idle resources is taken into
account, at lower processor counts, in most cases, using all
cores yields better performance. At higher processor counts,
using 4 cores per node yields a better return.
Memory-bound applications such as ECCO and USM3D do
better on the POWER5+ system, particularly for small numbers
of processors. OVERFLOW, although memory-bound, does
not perform better on the POWER5+ due to compiler issues.
ECCO and USM3D are latency-bound at higher processor
counts and do not scale on all systems. For large numbers of
processors—especially 256 and 512 processors—the
performance range narrows across the systems due to increased
importance of network communication (latency, bandwidth).
Our experiments show that performance of tested hybrid
codes is sometimes the same, but usually inferior, to pure MPI.
This was a surprise since we had expected OpenMP to perform
well within an ICE node. In fact, on the ICE system,
performance of the hybrid model was lower than that of MPI.
NAS Technical Report NAS-09-001, February 2009
To obtain good performance with hybrid OVERFLOW, the
following two conditions must hold: It is necessary to have a
very low-overhead implementation of OpenMP due to the fine
granularity of the OpenMP parallelism; and it is also necessary
to have good control over process and data placement, due to
the inefficiency that holds if the data required by a processor
are not local to that processor. We believe the POWER5+
implementation of OpenMP has low overhead, while the Intel
implementation may suffer in this respect. The process
placement tools available on the Altix and POWER5+ seem
sufficient, while process placement on ICE is not as refined.
Among the three systems studied, the ICE system’s MPI
latency is smallest within a node. However, latency increases
rapidly when communication involves two to four nodes, and
then the increase in latency is slower and more gradual.
Additionally, interconnect bandwidth is smallest for the ICE
system. As a result, the ICE cluster has the smallest bisection
bandwidth, and codes based on FFT, which involve all-to-all
communication, will not perform or scale well. Within a node
of ICE, performance of MPT is better than that of MVAPICH.
However, beyond 8 cores, the performance of MVAPICH is
better than that of MPT. This is reflected in performance of all
HPCC benchmarks (GUPS) and several NPBs (LU), where
performance is 3 times that of MPT.
For consistently good performance on a wide range of
processors, a balance between processor performance, memory
subsystem, and interconnects (both latency and bandwidth) is
needed. Overall, for our applications, we found that the
performance of POWER5+ is more balanced with respect to
these attributes. Its performance is better than Altix and ICE.
We also found that ICE is not balanced, as its memory subsystem
cannot adequately feed data to the floating-point units.
Also the interconnect performance of ICE is very poor. The
performance on benchmarks of the SGI supplied MPT library
on ICE is very poor relative to MVAPICH, especially on large
number of cores. However, with tested production applications,
the difference is not significant. Performance of the Altix is
between POWER5+ and ICE, except at higher processor
counts, where the superior performance of the NUMAlink
network allows the Altix to outdo the POWER5+.
We gratefully acknowledge Holly Amundson for her
assistance in carefully reading and formatting the manuscript.
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NAS Technical Report NAS-09-001, February 2009


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