NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

The NTRS is a valuable resource for students, educators, researchers, and the public for access to NASA's current and historical technical literature since it was first released in 1994. NTRS provides access to approximately 500K aerospace related citations, 90K full-text online documents, and 111K images and videos. NTRS numbers continues to grow over time as new scientific and technical information (STI) is created or funded by NASA. The type of information found in NTRS include: conference papers, images, journal articles, photos, meeting papers, movies, patents, research reports, and technical videos.

The NTRS provides access to NASA's current and historical aerospace research and engineering results. NTRS integrates three separate information collections and enables search and retrieval of information through a common interface:

  • NACA Collection: Citations and reports from the NACA Technical Report Server (TRS),, are now in NTRS. The NACA TRS site is retired and no longer in service following the consolidation of citations and reports into NTRS. The NACA collection is historical information from the NACA period lasting from 1915 to 1958.
  • NASA Collection: Citations and documents created or sponsored by NASA. The NASA collection time period starts in 1958 and continues to the present.
  • NIX Collection: Citations and images, photos, movies and videos downloaded from the NASA Image eXchange and served out through NTRS. NIX is a separate system and users can go directly to the NIX to search imagery as well as through NTRS.

NTRS provides access to many citations and an increasing number of electronic documents and images. Citations indicate if an item is available online or if it should be ordered. If the item is available from NASA, the citation will provide guidance on ordering items from the NASA Center for AeroSpace Information. If the item is not available from NASA, the citation provides a link to a list of suggested sources to order the document.

The Information found in NTRS is government information and it is unlimited, unclassified, and publicly available. Please see NASA Disclaimers, Copyright Notice, and Terms and Conditions of Use for information on how to use NASA's scientific and technical information (STI).


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